Hello Dentist

Learn how to take better care of your teeth in this series with Dr. J. Johnson Raja share as he shares with us some important pointers to help protect our teeth.

Here is Wisdom

Let's learn and grow in wisdom as we learn the deeper meaning of some of the mysteries from the Bible.

History of Revelation

Let us study the history of the important prophecy book of Revelation as it is now relevant to us now more than ever before.

Holy Spirit

In the Bible, we read about trinity which comprises of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Join us in this series where Pr. Gyan Singh Gill speaks about the role of the third person of the trinity, i.e., the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the one who always speaks to us in a soft voice guiding us in the right direction in life. Learn more about this Holy Spirit with Pr. Patrick Francis.

Holy Spirit

In this series, we will see who the Holy Spirit is and what role He plays in our daily living with Pr. Shyam.

House of God

The church building in which we worship is not the house of God. So what is really the house of God. Join us to find the real truth.

How Can We Develop Ourselves Personally

आत्म-सुधार की अपनी यात्रा में आप जो कुछ भी करते हैं, जिसमें प्रेम से दूसरों की सेवा करना भी शामिल है, परमेश्वर के लिए मायने रखता है। वह चाहता है कि आप दूसरों की ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने के साथ-साथ अपनी ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने में मेहनती बनें। परमेश्वर नहीं चाहता कि आप केवल स्वयं पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करें बल्कि दूसरों को वापस देते हुए मसीह के समान बढ़ते जाएँ। - इब्रानियों 6:10-11.

Ideal Couples of the Bible

There are many successful marriages found in the Bible that are usually not given much importance. But in today's world where marriages are falling apart often, we can learn some life changing lessons when we study from some of the ideal couples in the Bible.

Importance of Prayer

We Pray to communicate with God. We Pray to Him in joyful and in troubled situations and thank Him for He leads us through all stages of our lives.

Incidents are Speaking

The Bible is filled with many incidents that happened in the past. These incidents were recorded to teach us some valuable lessons. Come and join us with Pr. Jacob Samuel as he sheds some light on some of the incidents that are mentioned in the Bible.

Iniya Thuvakkam

Hebrews 13:15 says, "Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name". Start your day with Songs of Praise, life changing testimonies and a blessed devotion.

It is Written

Jesus overcame Satan when He was tempted in the wilderness by responding to Satan saying "It is written ....". Join us as we find out what is written and where it is so that we too could overcome Satan by those same words.

Jesus Christ in the Sanctuary

What is Christ doing for us in the Heavenly Sanctuary, and why is it so important for us to understand it, especially in the last days? Find out the answers in this series.

Jesus is My Everything

What does Jesus mean to you personally? The Bible says that He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. This means that Jesus Christ is everything. Learn more about this Jesus with Pr. Jesus is My Everything.


When you are pressured by problems from all sides, you might not be able to understand why things are happening to you. Find answers through the life of Job who went through much more difficulties than you can imagine. Only at the end, you might see the abundant blessings that are waiting in store for you.


A Hebrew prophet named Jonah, son of Amittai was sent by God to prophesy the destruction of Nineveh but instead tries to escape the divine mission.This story has a long interpretive history. Join us with Pr. M. Johnson as we go deeper into the life of Jonah.

Joseph - A type of Christ

When you compare the life of Joseph with that of Jesus Christ, you can find some resemblance between them. Come and learn how Joseph reflected some of Christ’s characteristics when he lived on earth with Pr. Charles Raj Kumar.

Lessons from the Book of Jeremiah

In the course of 40 years in a major prophetic office, Jeremiah learned certain hard-won lessons that 21st century men and women desperately need to grasp and understand. Learn more about them in this series.

Lifestyle of a Christian

Being a Christian does not mean to simply call oneself as a Christian. We need to exhibit its characteristics in our lives as well. Join us with Pr. Naveen Chand as he shares about the lifestyle of a true Christian.

Live Smart and be Healthy

Living a smart lifestyle can help prolong our days in this earth. Join us as we discuss some of these crucial tips which can change your lives.

Man of God's own Heart

David was called a man after God’s own heart because he was faithful to the Lord, he was repentant when he did wrong, and he loved the Lord with all his heart.

Meeting Jesus

Do you want to know how your life would change when you meet Jesus? Find out the answer with Pr. Barkat Masih as he explains how your life would change when you meet Jesus.

Miracles of Jesus

Jesus Christ performed several miracles when he came to the earth. Join us in this series with Pr. R.M. David as he sheds more light on how and why such miracles were performed by Jesus.

Miracles of Jesus

Jesus performed a number of miracles when He was on this earth. Learn more about the thoughts and reasons behind them to help strengthen your faith.

Miracles of Jesus

यीशु के चमत्कार" के माध्यम से स्वर्गीय राज्य की स्थापना करना उनके संसार मे सेबकाई का हिस्सा था। सुसमाचार के लेखकों (मैथ्यू, मार्क, ल्यूक और जॉन) ने कई अवसरों पर दर्ज किया है कि कई खोई हुई आत्माएं यीशु के पास आईं, उन्हें सच्चे ईश्वर के रूप में स्वीकार किया और अनुयायी बन गए।

Missionary Biographies

It is crucial not to forget the past and the way the Lord has led us in history. In this series, we are going to study some valuable life lessons from the lives of great people from the past, whom God used mightily to change the course of the history of his church.

My Victorious Jesus

Jesus conquered sin on the cross of calvary where he died for the sins of the world. Learn more about this Victorious Jesus with Pr. Barkat Masih.

New Life

The Life in this world is not eternal. Because of sin, life has to end. But God wanted to give a second chance for those who love Him, serve Him and who walk in His footsteps. So Christ came to this world as a sacrifice to give a New Life to everyone who repents from their sins.

New Life

Do you want to know more about the New Life that we will get when Jesus comes again the second time. Join us with Pr. Partrick Francis as he share more on this topic.

New Life

मसीह में नया जीवन १३ संदेशों का संग्रह है जिसमे हमे येशु की सेबिका प्रचार सीखना और चंगाई के विषय में बताया गया है। इन संदेशों से हम बाइबल के लोगों के विषय से ज्ञान और अनुभव प्राप्त करते हैं। इन लोगों ने मसीह में नया जीवन प्राप्त करके मसीह को अपना मुक्तिदाता स्वीकार किया।

New Life in Christ

मसीह में नया जीवन 13 सन्देशों का संग्रह है जिससे हमें यीशु की सेविकाओ - प्रचार - सिखाना और चंगाई के विषय में बताया गया हे | इन सन्देशो से हम बाइबल के लोगों के विषय से ज्ञान और अनुभव प्राप्त करते हैं। इन लोगो ने मसीह में नया जीवन प्राप्त करके मसीह को अपना मुक्तिदाता - स्वीकार किया |

One Mind 100 Statements

Let's see some of the statements from the Bible with Evangelist Emmanuel Rajsekar and see what we can learn from these stories.

Parables and Practical Christianity

In this series, we will see how parables set and example which we can adapt in our lives. We will also see how some Christians were able to practically follow those lessons in their lives. In today's episode, we will see them meaning of Parables and see why Jesus used them and end by seeing some types of parables.

Parables of Christ

A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. Jesus illustrated a number of parables in the Bible to teach the multitudes. In this series, we will learn from some of the parables and see what thy have in store for us.

Pearls of God

We can find many characters in the Bible who lived a life that was pleasing to God. Let us learn about some of their lives so that we can also try to become like them.

Plan of Salvation

Join us is this series as Pr. J.P. Massey details you about the plan of Salvation that God had made for mankind even before sinning against Him.

Prepare to Meet thy God

This is the time for us to prepare to meet our Lord Jesus Christ. God will help us always. He will never let us live alone. He will give is victory.